
Here you can find out how to contact us, plus links to websites that keep you up to date about what’s going on.

We welcome contributions to the new Oxford Drinker – please drop Dave Richardson a line at

Pub and brewery news is our bread and butter, but we also welcome guest columnists with a point of view that could be informative and entertaining for readers. As we no longer have the limitations of a printed format we hope to open up the Oxford Drinker to a wider range of contributors, and don’t worry if what you send isn’t word perfect.

Dave Richardson

We will be applying the same high journalistic standards as in the printed edition, but while contributions might be edited to ensure they are “legal, decent, honest and truthful” (to quote the Advertising Standards Authority), they will not normally be edited for length. But we suggest a maximum length for contributions of 1,000 words or thereabouts, and we also welcome high quality images. Except for large group photos we need the full names (left to right) of everyone in the picture.

Log on to Oxford CAMRA’s main website to find out more about what is happening locally and nationally, a full list of branch contacts, and back issues of the Oxford Drinker going back to edition number 43 in 2007. Here there is also a link if you would like to join the 190,000+ CAMRA members throughout the UK.

CAMRA’s national website, with full details on everything from how to join to how to try and save your local pub, is here:

Here are details of “Pulling Together” — how CAMRA is supporting pubs and breweries during the Covid-19 crisis: